February 2023
- Welcome to February
- e-Referrals Spotlight
- Creating e-Referrals Training Videos
- Workflow Manager - Referral Management - Referral Tasks Training Videos
- Importing Document Templates
- Document Template Properties
- FY2 April Intake
- Microsoft 365 (Office) Training
- Outcomes4Health
- Final Notes
- Meet the MLCSU IT Training Team

Welcome to February
Hello & Welcome to the February 2023 edition of Academy Matters - Your IT Training Team (North) Newsletter.
This month we bring you our 1st Academy Matters Spotlight edition - This month we look at all things eRS and Referrals.
Over the last 12 months the Training Team has dedicated time to developing step-by-step training video guides in support of the specialised functions of the secretarial role.
Hope you find it all useful - as always get in touch with your IT Trainer for more info.
e-Referrals Spotlight
Please follow the link for our e-Referrals spotlight document.
This is your e-referral checklist! We have highlighted some of the key features from this guide within this in this newsletter but use the guide for more top tips including Smartcard Access for referrals, Service Persons and Urgent Referral Protocol.
Creating e-Referrals Training Videos
These set of 6 short training videos guide you through the e-referral process. A quick summary of which cover:

- Creating an e-RS Referral demonstrates the process of creating a routine referral to a triage service (Referral Assessment Service (RAS) of Dermatology. Detailing the process of service selection option (Send for Triage) and submission with e-RS and returning to emis web to complete the required referral letter.
- Editing an e-RS Referral demonstrates how to edit a previously submitted referral letter within emis web and attach additional documentation and re-submit.
- Cancelling an e-RS Referral demonstrates how to cancel a referral in e-RS if it is no longer needed: i.e., ‘Patient intends to go private’.
- Creating a 2WW Referral demonstrates how to create a 2 week wait referral (Fast Track Cancer Referral), attach/complete and submit the referral and template into the triage service in e-RS and then view it uploaded in the worklist.
- Submitting an e-RS non-RAS demonstrates how to submit a referral to a service/specialty that does not use a triage service option (Send for Triage) and where multiple services need to be selected before submission.
- Managing a Rejected Triage Response demonstrates how to action the ‘Rejections/Triage Response’ Worklist in e-RS.
Workflow Manager - Referral Management - Referral Tasks Training Videos
This set of training videos guide you through the e-referral management section in workflow manager:

- Pending UBRN: Tasks which have not yet received a UBRN (unique booking reference number) from e-RS.
- Pending e-RS Service Selection: Tasks created for e-RS referrals that have not yet selected a service.
- Pending Letter: Tasks requesting an outstanding referral letter for a standard outbound referral or an e-RS referral.
- Pending Send: Tasks created by selecting ‘Create Pending Send’ when filing the referral letter.
- Awaiting Authorisation: Tasks for referral letters that have been created, but not yet filed in patient’s care record i.e., if a secretary isn’t authorised to submit the letter using ‘Authorise and Send’ option and only has the option to ‘Send for Authorisation’. An authorised user must then submit the referral within this section.
- Transmission Errors: Tasks indicating that there was a problem with the transmission of e-RS referrals. Referrals are displayed here if not sent within 30 minutes.
Importing Document Templates
See our new guides for how to import templates (document or clinical templates) into your Emis system. There is a guide each for those of you with Template Manager or Resource Publisher
Document Template Properties
Do you or your staff ever come across the Documents Properties box when saving a (Document) Referral?
Did you know this frustrating and time impacting stage of saving a document referral can be stopped altogether by altering the document template properties? See our latest guide on how to do this.

FY2 April Intake
Time flies and the next intake of FY2's at the beginning of April is less than 2 months away.
FY2 Training sessions are NOW LIVE on the academy portal to book in your FY2 for Emis Training.

Microsoft 365 (Office) Training
Don't forget - your IT Training Team (North) provides Microsoft product training - whether that's wanting to know about Sharepoint or learn more on Excel - check out the Academy Portal for the latest offering of Microsoft product training.
New online IT training dates have been added to the MLCSU Academy for March and April.

Outcomes4Health is available to integrate into your practice's Emis Web system for seamless transition of details from Emis web to Outcomes4health.
Find more out about this by following the link

Final Notes
We have been producing Monthly newsletters since July 2020 and we hope that these continue to be helpful - it is of course your newsletter and we are your IT Training Team, so if you have any issues that you would like raising, then please do get in touch.
There are many ways you can get in touch with your IT Training Team (North) including via the Academy Portal and as ever we continue to be available directly via the details below.
All practices in Lancashire and Cheshire have an allocated IT Training Team (North) Trainer at their disposal - if you are in doubt who this is please get in touch with any of us and we'll be able to point you in the right direction.
Don't forget if you would like to join the mailing list for this newsletter please click on the link
Our IT Training Team is here to support GP practice staff in the NHS by providing expert-led training on the latest healthcare technologies.
Our team is made up of experienced professionals who have a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges faced by GP practices. We offer a range of training options, including in-person sessions, online courses, and one-on-one coaching, to ensure that our training is accessible and tailored to the needs of each practice.
With our support, GP practice staff will be equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to confidently use technology to improve patient care and streamline their daily workflows.
Contact your practice's designated trainer for more details.
Chris Hendry
Clinical Applications & IT Systems Manager (North)
Mobile: 07943 511170
Email: chris.hendry@nhs.net
Jackie Leigh
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07876 546291
Email: jackieleigh@nhs.net
Jamie Roberts
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07876 546237
Email: jamie.roberts2@nhs.net
Louise Holley
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07876 546261
Email: louise.holley2@nhs.net
Sharon Tew
IT Trainer | Applications Support (North)
Mobile: 07778 368334
Email: sharon.tew@nhs.net
Ashley Conway
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07721 490 889
Email: ashley.conway@nhs.net
Dave Phillips
IT Trainer | Applications Support (North)
Mobile: 07901 009153
Email: davephillips@nhs.net
Claire Lovesey
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07876 546 213
Email: claire.lovesey@nhs.net
Linda Esseen
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07557 810 137
Email: linda.esseen@nhs.net