June 2022

Academy Matters
Welcome to June's edition of Academy Matters - Your IT Training Team (North) Newsletter. We are half way through the year already! We will be in Flu (& Covid) Vaccination Season and Christmas do organising before we know it!
With the longer Bank Holiday weekend, it's flown by since our last Newsletter so we have some refresher news bits for you and all important training dates for up coming student intakes.

FY2 August Intake - Training
If your surgery takes in FY2 students the next intake is the beginning of August.
We offer several Emis Web Training sessions especially for FY2. Our August sessions are available to book on the Academy Portal now.

Med 3 Fit Notes
From April 2022, changes to the fit note as a new version of the form was rolled out.
The requirement for the doctor to sign the form in ink has been removed and replaced by the issuer’s name and profession being included in the new form.
There will be a period during which both the new and previous version of the fit notes are legally valid.
Until your IT system is updated you should continue to issue fit notes as before, including signing them in ink.
Emis web will update the Fit Note in release 9.16 scheduled for general release from 8th July. This update will also include an enhancement which allows this new eMed3 fit note form to be emailed to patients once the form has been completed and signed.

ICE - Preston, Greater Preston, Chorley & South Ribble
There have been some personnel changes at the Pathology Department in Lancashire Teaching Hospitals.
If you need to contact Pathology, to request new ICE users, queries etc please use the following email address:
ICE URL Change - Mid Cheshire (Leighton)
The URL for ICE in Mid Cheshire has changed - please see our guide for information on how to change the URL in your system.

New Starter Training
Our online Emis Web new starter Training sessions continue to be popular. Click the links below to be taken directly to the course booking page:
New Starter Admin - This is for all new starters working in any administrative roles within a GP Practice i.e anyone who does not see patients for a consultation.
New Starter Clinical - This is for all new starters who will seeing/speaking to patients and adding consultations as part of their job role.
To ensure that you get the most out of your training make sure you are booked onto the correct session type.
If the dates do not fit your new starter date please get in touch with your allocated trainer who will be able to accommodate your requirements.

Internet Explorer
A reminder that from June 15th Internet Explorer has been retired and you should now using an alternative Internet search engine (Chrome / Edge).
This may subsequently affect some functions that integrate in with your clinical systems. If you experience any problems please get in touch with the IT Helpdesk.
For more information please see our quick video.

Covid Immunisation Passport Ages 5-11
There has been some recent activity for parents wanting Online Proxy Access for their children that have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19.
There is currently no digital Covid Passport for children aged 5-11. They will not have access to it on the NHS App.
Patients can get a letter to proof Covid Vaccination via the link or by phoning the 119 service.
Online Training - Polite Notice
If you have an online training session with the Training Team North please be mindful of ensuring that your equipment is working and ready to connect to MS Teams for the Training Session for the allocated start time.
We would also be grateful if you could cancel any booked training sessions if you no longer require it or due to sickness (mlcsu.academy@nhs.net)
Thank you.

Final Notes
We have been producing Monthly newsletters since July 2020 and we hope that these continue to be helpful - it is of course your newsletter and we are your IT Training Team, so if you have any issues that you would like raising, then please do get in touch.
There are so many ways you can get in touch with your IT Training Team (North) including via the Academy Portal and as ever we continue to be available directly via the details below.
All practices in Lancashire and Cheshire have an allocated IT Training Team (North) Trainer at their disposal - if you are in doubt who this is please get in touch with any of us and we'll be able to point you in the right direction.
Meet the Team
Chris Hendry MSc
Clinical Applications & IT Systems Manager (North)
Mobile: 09743 511170
Email: chris.hendry@nhs.net
Claire Lovesey
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07876 546213
Email: claire.lovesey@nhs.net
Dave Phillips
IT Trainer | Applications Support (North)
Mobile: 07901 009153
Email: davephillips@nhs.net
Jackie Leigh
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07876 546291
Email: jackieleigh@nhs.net
Jamie Roberts
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07876 546237
Email: jamie.roberts2@nhs.net
Louise Holley
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07876 546261
Email: louise.holley2@nhs.net
Sharon Tew
IT Trainer | Applications Support (North)
Mobile: 07778 368334
Email: sharon.tew@nhs.net