September 2022

Academy Matters
Welcome to the September edition of Academy Matters - Your IT Training Team (North) Newsletter. On you marks, get set - Vaccinate! Yes that time of year has come round again and we know you are well on your way with invites and clinics for both Flu and the Covid-19 booster. Ensure that your protocols are up to date and ready to for speedy data recording - get in touch if you want more information on how protocols can help you with this.
In the meantime the days are starting to feel a little shorter with the mornings & evenings feeling cooler - but don't forget to keep your woollies on and the heating OFF 😆🍂☔😆🧣🧤😆
NEW IT Training Team Trainer - Linda Esseen
We wish to extend a warm welcome and introduce you to our new colleague and MLCSU North Trainer Linda Esseen. Linda joins us in a seconded role for the next several months. Like the rest of the team, Linda has an allocated set of practices as their main contact but you may of course also come across Linda in one our many standard online training sessions.

Searches Training
Don't forget our new online Searches training sessions are available to book via the Academy and will run approx every 5 weeks.
The course covers searches from a no knowledge background to understanding how to use the Population Reporting module and create a search to get the best results as well as viewing the results in different formats.
The 1st session is Wednesday 28th September and is proving to be very popular.
Click here to check all dates and book your place.

New Online IT Training Dates
New online IT training dates have been added to the MLCSU Academy for September and October.
Why not take a peek and see what is available, with courses on Excel, Word, NHSmail and more.

NHSmail – Adjusting the View
You can adjust the view settings and customise the ribbon in the NHSmail web portal. Please click on the link to the guide to find out more:

MS Teams
MS Teams – Meet Now
Use the Meet Now feature in the MS Teams Calendar to arrange a quick meeting with delegates. Please click on the link to the guide to find out more:
MS Teams – Use Q&A in a Teams Meeting
When added to a Teams meeting or webinar, the Q&A feature enables meeting organisers to hold a moderated or unmoderated question and answer session. To start create a MS teams meeting in your MS Outlook calendar. Please click on the link to the guide to find out more:

MLCSU Academy Portal - please help us!
The Academy Portal has now been available to our users since September 2020 and we now have thousands of users subscribed to use the service across our MLCSU patch.
With that in mind, we want to keep evolving, ensuring it is fit for purpose and relevant for you and so a lot of work is done behind the scenes to keep it up to date and relevant.
Is is therefore crucial that the Academy Portal is working for you - to help us with that could you please complete this short questionnaire - Thank you!

Final Notes
We have been producing Monthly newsletters since July 2020 and we hope that these continue to be helpful - it is of course your newsletter and we are your IT Training Team, so if you have any issues that you would like raising, then please do get in touch.
There are so many ways you can get in touch with your IT Training Team (North) including via the Academy Portal and as ever we continue to be available directly via the details below.
All practices in Lancashire and Cheshire have an allocated IT Training Team (North) Trainer at their disposal - if you are in doubt who this is please get in touch with any of us and we'll be able to point you in the right direction.
Don't forget if you would like to join the mailing list for this newsletter please click on the link
Meet the Team
Chris Hendry
Clinical Applications & IT Systems Manager (North)
Mobile: 07943 511170
Jackie Leigh
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07876 546291
Jamie Roberts
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07876 546237
Louise Holley
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07876 546261
Sharon Tew
IT Trainer | Applications Support (North)
Mobile: 07778 368334
Ashley Conway
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07721 490 889
Dave Phillips
IT Trainer | Applications Support (North)
Mobile: 07901 009153
Claire Lovesey
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07876 546 213
Linda Esseen
Clinical Applications Specialist | IT Training Team (North)
Mobile: 07557 810 137