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Updated on: 29-11-2024

Excel - Apply Range Names and Advanced Formatting (Intermediate/Advanced)

Topics covered

Range Names

  • Defining Range Names
  • Using Range Names in formulae and functions
  • Manage Range Names

Advanced Formatting

  • Conditional Formatting
  • Apply the Format Painter
  • Split and Freeze columns
  • Text to columns to format data

Using Range Names in Excel has many advantages, making your workbooks easier to read, making formulas faster to type and debug, and allowing to create ranges with variable-size to make your spreadsheets dynamic and easy to update.

Conditional formatting is a feature in many spreadsheet applications that allows you to apply specific formatting to cells that meet certain criteria. It is most often used as color-based formatting to highlight, emphasize, or differentiate among data and information stored in a spreadsheet.

Format Painter is used when you want to copy formatting from one item to another. For example if you have written text in Word, and have it formatted using a specific font type, color, and font size you could copy that formatting to another section of text by using the Format Painter tool.
In Split Panes, Excel splits its worksheet window vertically along the left-side of selected Column or horizontally along the top-side of selected Row. Freeze Panes just freezes Excel worksheet window vertically along the left-side of selected Column or horizontally along the top-side of selected Row.

Online training will be delivered via MS Teams. You will receive joining instructions the day before your selected session.

At the end of the session all delegates will:

On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Define and manage Range Names
  • Use Advanced Formatting features and apply conditional formatting
  • Adjust the view with split and freeze panes options

About the course

Course Code MLCSU-TR0032
Intended Audience Regular users of Excel or those who have completed Excel Introduction topics
Delivery Method Online
Required Experience / Training Comfortable with the content of the Excel Introduction topics Quiet room with access to MS Teams and headset or headphones
Duration of Training 1 hour
