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Article number: 35697Last updated: 04-07-2024

EMIS-X: Clinical views - Consultations

This feature is currently being piloted.  Organisations will be notified once the feature is on general release.

Clinical Views allows you to view a patient's Care Record data at a glance and provides important clinical information and decision support at the point of care.

Clinical Views shows a patient's investigation data in a modern user interface, when using EMIS-X side-by-side with EMIS Web.

Access Consultations

Consultations can be opened from the Clinical Views menu. In order to view consultations in EMIS-X, you must have the relevant patient selected in EMIS Web.

1. Open Clinical Views from the EMIS-X menu.

2. Select Consultations.

The Consultations feature is designed to be used as a quick-reference view of a patient's Consultations. This can be especially beneficial if you're working through a patient's Care Record in EMIS Web. 

Screenshot of the EMIS-X application interface. The left sidebar displays the categories: Consultations (highlighted), Problems, Documents, Investigations, and Medication under the "Selected Patient" section

View Consultations

Here, key information from a patient's Consultation history, such as Problems and Medication, is displayed:

Screenshot of the EMIS-X application.  The "Consultations" tab is open, showing two entries dated 3rd June 2024. One entry lists a history of asthma, and another describes a medical request for spine problems and back ache.

Currently, the Consultations screen within the EMIS-X companion is read-only.

Consultations will show the date, time, location, consulter and the consultation text. Use the scroll bar to navigate through the Consultation history.

If a location has not been entered for the Consultation, this will appear as Unknown.

To find out more on the referenced information within a patient's Consultation, you can navigate to the other areas of Clinical Views, such as Problems and Investigations, or view them in EMIS Web.

Consultation view options

You can navigate a patient's Consultation history using the following tabs:

  • All
  • My Consults

Simply click on the relevant tab, then view the Consultation information you need.

All consultations

The All tab will display all Consultations relevant to the selected patient.

Screenshot of the EMIS-X application displaying the "Consultations" section. The top part shows the options "All" (highlighted) and "My Consults" with a "Refresh" button next to the "Consultations" title.

My Consults

The My Consults tab will display only your Consultations with the selected patient. 

Screenshot of the EMIS-X application displaying the "Consultations" section. The top part shows the options "All" and "My Consults" (highlighted) with a "Refresh" button next to the "Consultations" title.

Icon key

Icon Description
A confidentiality policy has been applied to a problem.
Online Visibility has been restricted for a problem, so it is not visible to the patient in their online services.
  Abnormal result warning.
  A document has been attached to the Consultation.