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Article number: 7467Last updated: 04-07-2024

Digital Learning Solutions - Register and Set Password

To access the Digital Learning Solutions Portal, go to:


Click Register at the top of the page on the blue bar or click the grey Register button.

Click To Register

Click Create a new login.

Create A New Login

Select: the DLS centre you are registering to (usually your organisation) from the Select a centre list.  Centre - Click the drop-down arrow at the end of the Select a centre box and select Midlands and Lancashire CSU (Cheshire). 

Complete your details in each field including the Primary email: this is Required which should be your NHS email address and Centre email: this is Optional.

Click Next.

Register Details

Learner Information

The Learner information page will be displayed.  Complete your details in each field and click Next.

Job Group - Select your Job Group from the drop-down list.

Do you have a Professional Registration Number? – Select No or Yes.  If you select Yes you will be prompted to enter your Professional Registration Number.

Learner Information

Create Password

The Create password page will be displayed.  Type in your new password and re-type password in the fields.  The password must contain at least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase letter, 1 number and 1 symbol.  Enter a less common password.

Create Password


The Summary page will be displayed.

Summary Page

Review your answers and Change if you need to.  Read and Agree to the Terms and Conditions.  Click Submit.

Delegate Registration Complete

An on-screen message is displayed informing you that an email has been sent to your primary email address.

Delegate Registration Complete

If you don’t receive the email within a few minutes check your Junk folder. The link is valid for 14 days, if it expires you can resend the link from My account. There is no requirement to log in to access My account.

You will receive an email to verify your email address, the link is valid for 14 days. Click the link in the email.

Verify Your Email Address

An on-screen message will be displayed to confirm that your email address has been verified.

Click the link to return to the Digital Learning Solutions homepage

Your Email Address Has Been Verified

Log in to DLS using your delegate number or email address and the password you set up at registration.  Click the website link on the first page of the document.  The Welcome page will be displayed.

Welcome Page

Click Login on the blue bar at the top of the page or click the green Log in button.

If you are receiving the on-screen message Your registration must be approved, please wait for your local centre to approve your registration. You will receive an email once approved.

Your Email Address Has Been Verified Confirmation

If you don’t receive an email within 48 hours, click View centre contact information to find your local centre and contact them directly

Once your account is approved log in to DLS using your delegate number or email address and the password you set up at registration.

Email verification links expire after 14 days, if your link has expired simply log in and visit My account to request a new one.

Verification Link Expired

Login Page

The Log in page will be displayed when you click Login from the Welcome Page.

Login Page

Enter your Email or user ID.  The user ID was included on the approved email.  Click the Log in button.

The Digital Learning Solutions Portal will be displayed.

Current Activities Link


Click My account at the top of the page.

My Account Link

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Log out.

Log Out Button

Additional Guidance

Please contact the MLCSU IT Training Team if you need any further help.  Email: