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Updated on: 14-06-2024

Excel - Functions to analyse data (Intermediate/Advanced)

Topics covered

  • Statistical Functions - sum, average, min, max and count functions
  • Other Functions - countif and sumif
  • Logical Functions - IF function
  • Create a 3D Reference (total of multiple sheets) and create a summary sheet

Statistical functions are used when a mathematical process is required for a range of cells, such as summing the values in several cell locations. For these computations, functions are preferable to formulas because adding many cell locations one at a time to a formula can be very time-consuming.

Logical functions are used when you want to carry out more than one comparison in your formula or test multiple conditions instead of just one.

Creating 3D referencing in Excel within a formula involves referring to the same cell or the same range of cells, on different worksheets.

Online training will be delivered via MS Teams. You will receive joining instructions before your selected session.


At the end of the session all delegates will:

On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Create statistical and logical functions
  • Use a 3D reference in a formula with multiple worksheets

About the course

Course Code MLCSU-TR0031
Intended Audience Regular users of Excel or those who have completed Excel Introduction topics
Delivery Method Online
Required Experience / Training Comfortable with the content of the Excel Introduction topics Quiet room with access to MS Teams and headset or headphones
Duration of Training 1 hour
