Shared Care Record - Spirit Viewer Guide 2T
The L&SC ShCR ensures your data is safe. No personal data is stored on the shared care record itself. Instead, it allows your data to be viewed in a non-persisted view, securely by authorised professionals directly involved in your care, from multiple health and care settings in real-time.
By law, all those working in the NHS or in those social care working as part of a health and care team, must respect privacy and keep all information safe. Your data can only be accessed over a secure health and care network and an audit trail is maintained to record access to records.
The L&SC ShCR is underpinned by an Information Sharing Agreement between the health and care organisations involved. This agreement supports the commitment to share information in a secure way and one that is compliant with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). This provides the legal basis to share information between health and care services when it is needed to deliver care.
Getting started
You can access the Shared Care Record Viewer through various sources. Once inside the portal, you can filter and display the information available to you.
By default, the main screen (with a patient selected) appears as follows:

The four main sections are:
This guide will detail each of these sections in turn.
1 – The Patient Information Bar

Clicking on the patient information bar will display a pop-up window with three tabs
a) Demographics: This details the key patient demographics recorded for the patient selected

b) Address: Showing all recorded address details for the patient

c) GP Info: This shows all recorded contact details for the patient’s registered GP Practice

Clicking on the Documents tab will display all documents for the current patient.

By default, the list of available documents will be shown in reverse chronological order
This list can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headings. Clicking more than once on the heading will toggle between sorting ascending, descending, and none (reverting back to the date sorting).
An arrow will appear next to the column sorted to indicate the sorting method (as highlighted below)

Please note: The sorting method only relates to the (maximum) 20 documents displayed at that time.
The Shared Care Record Viewer displays up to 20 documents per page. Navigation buttons are located at the bottom of the document list, allowing you to move to the next or previous page in increments of 20 documents.

3 – The Filters Section
3.1 – Selecting a Community
You can select a relevant community by selecting from the list shown. By default, the first option in the list is chosen.

3.2 – Filtering the list of documents
Within the documents tab, you can click on the 'show filters' button to quickly filter the documents available for the patient.

You can then further filter the list by selecting from the drop-down menus for document type, speciality and / or choosing a date range.

Please note: You can also reset the filters to their defaults by clicking the reset button

3.3 – Viewing the Documents
Left-clicking anywhere within the list of documents will display the document selected.

The document will appear in a pop-up window where a number of further options are available:

Page navigation allows you to cycle through first / previous / next / last pages.
Zoom level allows you to change the amount of magnification
Enable hand allows you to drag the pages
Text selector enables a cursor where you can drag over text to select
Rotate revolves the image in 90 degree steps
Add image allows you to add an image onto the page (non-saveable)

Clicking on the ‘GP Mig’ tab (located just below the purple patient bar) allows you to view all the Medical Interoperability Gateway (MIG) data associated with the selected patient. If the patient has records at multiple practices, you will need to select the practice whose records you wish to view.

After selecting a practice, several sections (e.g., Patient Details, Summary, etc.) are displayed on the left-hand side. These sections provide quick access to specific details within the care record.
Closing the Viewer
When you have finished viewing the patient record and documents, you can select sign out from the menu icon and close the browser window to end this session.

Further Support
We hope the above is useful to you. Should you need any further support / information, please do not hesitate to contact the Shared Care Record (ConCR) Team: L&SC Shared Care Record Deputy Programme Manager L&SC Shared Care Record Programme Manager
If there are any inaccuracies / errors within this guide, please email